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Photo Credit: The Economic Club of Washington, D.C./Joshua Roberts

Satya Nadella

Chief Executive Officer, Microsoft Corporation |
Discussed his new autobiography "Hit Refresh" and his vision for Microsoft's future.


Satya Nadella visited The Economic Club at a breakfast meeting on October 4 to discuss, among other topics, the release of his new autobiography, Hit Refresh. During his conversation with David Rubenstein, Nadella elaborated on the insights and experiences he describes in the book, especially in discussing how his efforts to care for his special needs children have impacted his outlook in running a business. He said the book “. . . should be more viewed as what’s that tough process of continuous renewal.”

In addition, Nadella shared his vision for Microsoft’s growth moving forward regarding the company’s products, as well as its mission and culture. He provided some surprising and captivating insights into the future of technology and said of Microsoft’s diversified portfolio of products, “[I]t’s a complete experience that we build… we’re going to continue to innovate, to invent new categories, all the way from silicon to the cloud.” He also discussed his relationships with former Microsoft Corporation CEOs Bill Gates and Steve Ballmer, artificial intelligence, and the company’s involvement in self-driving cars. “We will provide anyone who is either building autonomous or other – you know, connected cars – real technology that can help them compete,” said Nadella, when asked on the prospect of driverless cars.

To view additional highlights and excerpts from the event, please click here.