News coverage of The Economic Club of Washington, D.C.'s luncheon on June 23 featuring Bob Dudley, Group Chief Executive, BP plc. Watch video here.
Coverage Includes:
- Argus Media - BP chief expects oil markets to balance this year
- Bidness Etc - United States Oil Fund: Brexit, Rig Count, and Other Fundamentals Surrounding the Oil Industry
- Business Finance News - BP plc (ADR): CEO Bob Dudley Foresees Oil Price at $50 per Barrel Later This Year
- Financial Review - ASX futures sharply higher, $A surges through US76¢ mark
- First Coast News - Dow closes down more than 600 points after Brexit vote
- Houston Chronicle - BP's CEO says oil supply and demand at 'better balance'
- Natural Gas Intel - BP CEO Talks Supply/Demand Coming into Balance, Suggests U.S. Policymakers Engage in 'Sensible' Energy Reforms
- USA Today - BP CEO Bob Dudley: Brexit would foster 'dislocation'
- USA Today - U.S. stocks hammered as Brexit shock rocks markets